On Monday’s edition of NBC’s “Late Night,” “NBC Nightly News” host Lester Holt stated that while he lets being called fake news by the president roll off his back, he draws the line at “the safety and well-being of my colleagues. And ‘enemy of the people,’ I think, crosses a line. I think it’s reckless. I respectfully ask that it end.”

Holt said, “I let the fake news stuff roll off my back. It’s not fun, but I think most people understand an organization like ours, and a lot of the organizations under fire have been doing this for decades and decades. And we’ve earned a lot of trust with our audiences and a tradition of excellence, so I let that roll. I think where I draw the line though is the safety and well-being of my colleagues. And ‘enemy of the people,’ I think, crosses a line. I think it’s reckless. I respectfully ask that it end.”

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