On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “New Day,” DNC Chairman Tom Perez commented on the special election in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District and stated that the district was “heavily gerrymandered” in favor of Republican candidate Troy Balderson, and “what won yesterday was gerrymandering.”

Perez said, “[T]here’s going to be much bigger turnout in November. Because you’ve got a statewide election there in Ohio. And what won yesterday was gerrymandering. Because this seat has been heavily gerrymandered in favor of Balderson. … And so, what we see here, again, when you’ve got 60, 68 seats, whatever the precise number is, that are more competitive than seat, and then you’re going to have the benefit of additional turnout, and the energy on the ground, the enthusiasm for Democrats across the country, whether it was in Ohio or elsewhere has been spectacular, and then most importantly, we’re fighting for the issues that people care about.”

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