Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” NBC analyst John Heilemann posed the scenario of a pollster asking members of the GOP that think it would be OK for President Donald Trump to kill their parents or grandparents, saying he is “virtually certain” 10 percent would be fine with the president killing

“Can I just say quickly, I like the idea that, you know, you use the bad example of like what would be the core that would say it was OK for Donald Trump to dissolve media institutions because media institutions are super unpopular. I would like a pollster to ask this question, ‘How many people in the Republican Party think that it would be OK for Donald Trump to dissolve their own grandparents? I’m virtually certain that if it was a Donald Trump-related question, you’d get like 10 percent that would be like, ‘Donald Trump has the power to do whatever he wants, including kill my parents.’ You know, like that’s the threat to which — I’m being hyperbolic — don’t look so appalled.”

He continued, “I think it’s kind of a test. There are certain things, there are some people who … just hear the question as the media is trying to test my loyalty to Donald Trump. And if it’s the question whether Trump has the authority to do anything, they will say yes no matter what that thing is.”

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