Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” host Chuck Todd said conservatives lack of trust of the mainstream media was “not based in much fact.”

Partial transcript as follows:

CHUCK TODD: I was just gonna say I think the Democratic leadership and the disconnect. Republicans — the Republican base, David, wanted a more aggressive Republican Party to go after Obama and go after Hillary Clinton. And the leadership was always like, ‘No, no no.’ We’re always trying to hold back those that id in the party. And they paid a price in Donald Trump. I’m thinking all of these responsible Democratic leaders that are preaching impeachment caution, are these people– the base may say, ‘Give me Michael Avenatti. I don’t want you responsible guys.’

DAVID BRODY: Well, right. I think that’s something the Democrats are going to have to deal with. But I’d say on the Republican side they got exactly what they wanted, a guy that was going to shake things up. Look, I think one of the best things going in Donald Trump’s favor– we know this– is the mainstream media. I hate to say it. I know I’m sitting on a Meet the Press roundtable, but the truth of the matter is 62% think the media is biased. So in other words, if you look at the approval ratings of Donald Trump versus the approval rating of the media–


CHUCK TODD: The conservative echo chamber created that environment. It’s not— no, no, no  — it has been a tactic and a tool of the Roger Ailes created echo chamber.


CHUCK TODD: So let’s not pretend it’s not anything other than that.

DAVID BRODY: Well, hang on. Yes and no. Because remember, the independents are part of Donald Trump’s base. And I think that is very important. A lot of times we say, ‘Republicans are Donald Trump’s base.’ Not really. They’re–

CHUCK TODD: No. It’s a separate Trump — it is a different version of the Republican Party.

DAVID BRODY: But those Independents also distrust media. This is not just Republicans. It is many Americans across–

CHUCK TODD: Oh, no, no. no. I take your point. I’m just saying it was a creation — it was a campaign tactic. It’s not based in much fact.

JOSHUA JOHNSON: I do think it’s worth saying, though, to kind of get away from all the politics what the leaders are saying about this needing to be bipartisan and so forth. They’re right. The founders did not intend impeachment to be a tool for what they refer to as maladministration. If you don’t like what a president is doing, you have a tool to get rid of that president. Vote him out. It’s designed for treason, bribery, high crimes, and misdemeanors. And I feel like there are enough people who say, “I’d rather we just mobilize for 2020 than try to throw him out now.” That sets a dangerous precedent.

CHUCK TODD: Well and that’s why I think it is Russia has to be a part of it if you’re ever even getting there. All right, guys. That’s all we have for today. Thank you for watching. Like all of you, we are keeping John McCain and his entire family in our thoughts. We’ll be back next week. Because if it’s Sunday, it’s Meet the Press. But we’re going to leave you this morning not with my words, but with Senator McCain’s own words.

(h/t RCP Video)

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