On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz argued that impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh would be “absolutely foolish, inconsistent,” and not permitted by the Constitution.

Dershowitz said impeaching Kavanaugh would be “absolutely foolish, inconsistent, and hypocritical. Those who believe that Bill Clinton should never have been impeached for allegedly lying about his sex life are now going to lead the campaign to impeach Kavanaugh for allegedly lying about his sexual and drinking activities back when he was a 17-year-old? It’s hypocrisy run rampant. The Constitution would not permit impeachment of a sitting justice for actions he took while a private citizen 35 years ago, nor, I think, would it permit using the laws of perjury, which are very tough. They have to be about a material fact that has to have been a deliberate lie, not forgetfulness, not a boast, not an exaggeration, but a willful, deliberate lie about a material fact. I think that the Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot. We ought to be moving forward. Let’s judge Justice Kavanaugh on his performance as a justice of the Supreme Court.”

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