Thursday on CNN, network host Van Jones said CBN personality Pat Robertson was speaking “literally the reverse of the Gospels and teaching of Jesus Christ” in defense of President Donald Trump to get a “good Supreme Court, tax cuts.”

When discussing missing Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Robertson said, “You’ve got $100 billion worth of arms sales, that’s within those things. But more than that, we’ve got to have some Arab allies … We had so many people killed. We have had CIA people killed in Lebanon, people taken hostage over the years. I know it’s bad, but we’ve had all kinds of stuff. You don’t blow up an international alliance over one person. I mean, I’m sorry.”

Jones said, “That’s not how a minister should be talking about this. That’s literally the reverse of the Gospels and teaching of Jesus Christ. To put, literally, material considerations over the dignity of a human soul is against Christianity. Let’s just say that it’s against Christianity.

On evangelical Christians, Jones added, “Now they are saying, ‘Eh,  you know what? If we get a good Supreme Court, tax cuts and a deal with the Saudis, screw all that stuff. Kill people. We don’t care about porn stars. Porn stars don’t matter. Adultery doesn’t matter. Porn stars don’t matter. Killing people doesn’t matter. Hey, we got a business to run here.’ That’s not a person of faith.”

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