During a speech on Thursday, former Vice President Joe Biden stated that we don’t know the motivation behind the bomb scare, and he hopes that all leaders “will work to lower the temperature in our public dialogue, and I have faith they will do that.”

Biden said, “Folks, we don’t have all the facts yet, and we don’t know who’s behind this or why they’re doing it.”

He continued that he hopes that the bomb scare will get people in politics to “begin to put this country back together again. This division, this hatred, this ugliness, it has to end. Words matter.”

Biden further stated, “We’re Americans before we’re Democrats or Republicans or Independents. And ladies and gentlemen, the press is not the enemy of the people. Immigrants are not animals. My hope and prayer is that all of our leaders will work to lower the temperature in our public dialogue, and I have faith they will do that.”

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