Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” Washington Post editor Karen Attiah discussed columnist Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed at the Saudi consulate in Turkey.

Attiah said she was “disgusted and sickened” by President Donald Trump’s response of siding with Saudi Arabia, which she said gives Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman the “green light” to “silence” anybody he wants.

“Jamal deserved better,” Attiah told host Chris Hayes. “For all of the statements about the U.S. – Saudi relationship being some sort of special relationship, so special that we need to sacrifice human life in order to save it, there is no mention of concessions or pushing Saudi Arabia to change its ways. It made us, Trump look like we’re servants to this regime that would butcher ‘Washington Post’ journalists. It puts all of us, journalists, Saudi critics, anybody who dares to have an opinion against an authoritarian government around the world, it puts us in more danger. It gives people like Mohammad bin Salman a green light to erase and silence anybody that they want, wherever they might be, for whatever reason. I’m just really disgusted, to be honest.”

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