Friday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) said senators cannot give President Donald Trump funding for his border wall because that would be backing down to a “bully.”

Kaine said, “Let me tell you what we can’t do. I have a long rule from about elementary school that you do not back down to a bully. You never back down to a bully. We had a bipartisan deal that the White House signed off on and the Senate passed unanimously less than 48 hours ago. Now the White House is backing down, and the president said, ‘Although I said that I would take the deal, I am not. Give me five billion dollars.’ Now normally, if you want to add something, you offer something. What he has offered? Get this; my offer is I will not punish 800,000 federal employees before Christmas by shutting the government down. That is a bully tactic. This president caves to bullies, and so he bows to bullies like North Korea and Russia, and Turkey and even China.”

He added, “You are not going to see this senator and I don’t think you will see the United States Senate cave to a bully saying you give me what I want or I will punish 800,000 federal employees.”

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