Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) criticized Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) for praising President Donald Trump’s decision to pull troops out of Syria.

Cheney voiced her concern with pulling troops out of Syria and Afghanistan, adding it “would be disastrous.”

“I am deeply, deeply concerned, and I oppose strongly the president’s decision, apparently, to withdraw troops from Syria, the apparent decision that we’re now going to be looking to withdraw troops from Afghanistan,” Cheney said. “I think the president has done a lot of very good things in terms of beginning to rebuild our military, getting out of the Iranian nuclear agreement, but these two decisions would be disastrous. They would really in many ways hand victories to our enemies: to Iran, to ISIS in Syria, the Taliban, Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. It’s a very dangerous path to go down, and we shouldn’t be going down it. We ought to make sure that we keep our troops there in order to prevent the establishment of safe havens for those groups that want to attack us.”

Cheney went on to say Paul seems to have a “blame America first” approach and is “unburdened by facts.”

“Nobody is talking about the kinds of things Senator Paul mentions. He seems to really be focused on blame America first and unburdened by facts,” she stated.

(h/t WFB)

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