During Monday’s “New Day” on CNN, network political analyst commented on the Russia-Donald Trump saga, saying “it certainly looks like” the president is “hiding something” in regards to Russia’s role in the 2016 presidential election.

Gregory called Trump’s behavior “really suspicious” with a “series of shocking details.”

“It certainly looks like he’s hiding something,” Gregory stated. “You’re under suspicion and so you engage in really suspicious behavior on the very topic that you’re under suspicion for. I mean, it’s just shocking. That detail alone with a series of shocking details kind of tops it all. You go back to this sequence from a candidate who was open for business with the Russians if they have oppo research on Hillary Clinton, who hires Paul Manafort who’s got this deep relationship with the Russians and the Ukrainians – now in prison for that, calls for Hillary Clinton’s e-mails to be hacked and then gets into office and these ties with Michael Flynn and then scooping up these transcripts.”

He continued, “What is he hiding about his relationship? Is it just stubbornness that he thinks that the investigation is tarred? I mean, this is one of these moments, with respect to Joe being there, let’s just take a moment, shall we, and imagine if Hillary Clinton were president under these circumstances. Donald Trump called for her to be in jail over mishandling her server — let alone potentially coordinating with a foreign power who’s an enemy of the United States.”

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