CNN political analyst David Gergen on Sunday’s “CNN Newsroom” suggested that if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) were five to 10 years younger, there would be a lot of talk about her as the Democratic nominee in 2020.

Gergen said Pelosi, 78, has made Trump “look so terrible” in their ongoing battle for border security funding, adding she is “running circles around him.”

“There is on the other side of this whole story something that Democrats are just celebrating. They’re so glad that they have Nancy Pelosi in there because she’s running circles around him,” Gergen stated.

And, you know, I think that’s one of the things that galls the president the most,” he added. “It’s not that he’s just been humiliated in public, and he senses that, but that, you know, Nancy Pelosi is making him look so terrible because she’s outmaneuvering him. You know, if she were ten years younger or even five years younger, you know, a lot of people would be talking about her as the Democratic nominee.”

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