On Monday’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) reacted to the racist photos of Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam that surfaced Friday.

Baldwin called on the governor to resign.

“Well, first of all, I think that the governor should resign. I think he’s shown himself, sort of, irreparably damaged in terms of his ability to govern,” Baldwin stated.

She added, “And as far as Trump is concerned, I remember the lead up to his election and thinking every day with a new breaking story, ‘Oh, this is his last chance or it’s over.’ And obviously, that hasn’t happened. It’s why it’s so important that now that we’re sort of into the 2020 presidential election, that we show as Democrats that we’re united in the effort to defeat Trump as well as to share our hopeful agenda of fairness in responding to people like Diane, my guest at the State of the Union, who have real challenges that need facing.”

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