During Monday’s “Fox & Friends,” Donald Trump, Jr. commented on the ongoing Robert Mueller investigation into collusion involving President Donald Trump and Russia in the 2016 presidential election.

The younger Trump, executive vice president of the Trump Organization, called the investigation which could be coming to an end soon “a total farce.”

“[T]hey’re not investigating actual crimes anymore — they’re literally just trying to find something that they can make a big deal of,” Trump said.

He continued, “Meanwhile, they haven’t actually found anything as it relates to this. What they did was they put incredible pressure on regular guys that couldn’t afford million dollars in legal fees and got them to slip up and say something incorrectly. … There are no actual crimes. There’s only things that people did in past lives, you know in 2006 before we even thought we’d ever get into this crazy world, and that’s what it is. They’re touting these things as victories — it’s not. And what it’s been is a total farce, the greatest witch hunt in American history.”

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