Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA) Friday called President Donald Trump “cowardly” on climate change.

When asked about the cost of the so-called Green News Deal, Inslee said, “What is is expensive is losing jobs to the Chinese and the Germans. Look we want these jobs in our country. We want to build wind turbines in our country in Iowa we want to build batteries for electric cars in Nevada. We want to build electric cars like we are doing today. Look they are putting on 400 new jobs in Michigan the same week Donald Trump is so cowardly and pessimistic.”

He continued, “This is a can-do nation. We put a man on the moon; we defeated Fascism. We can use our smarts to build a clean energy economy like we are doing right today. We need an inspirational leader, not a pessimistic one in the White House. I think I am ready for that job. This country is ready for a spark of optimism.”

He added, “When your town is burning down the people of Paradise, CA are talking about climate change. They deserve a president who will protect them, rather than the oil industries. I’m tired of putting out billions of dollars to the fossil fuel industry and lobbyists, and he is put in charge of this nation. He wanted to drain the swamp. He put the swamp in charge of our tax policies. It is just wrong.”

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