Friday on “Fox & Friends,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) responded to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling House Republicans “scaredy-cats” for wanting Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) to resign from his position as House Intelligence chairman because he pushed the Russia collusion narrative.

“I think a lot of Pelosi’s poodles out there [are] running scared of the facts, but they’re still trying to chase down witch hunts,” Scalise said. “If that’s what they want to be — the party of just constant harassment of the president, of his family, of allowing babies who were born to be killed when they are outside of the womb. That’s what they’ve become. It’s radical.”

Scalise said Democrats have been “peddling” the “lie” of collusion for two years and will not stop trying to undermine President Donald Trump’s presidency.

“They will never admit they were wrong,” he advised. “They just move on and make some other baseless accusation.”

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