Monday on CNN’s “New Day,” Rep. Katherine Clark (D-MA), the vice chair of the House Democratic Caucus, warned that if the Department of Justice did not comply with releasing the entire report from special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe regarding Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, House Democrats would use subpoena power to force compliance.

Clark added the caveat that Democrats were willing to negotiate the terms.

“[W]e need to see this full report,” Clark said. “And a way to do it is to be very clear with Attorney General Barr that we are not going to just rely on the Barr report, but we need to see the underlying evidence and the full report from Mr. Mueller. And I think the clear message that the Judiciary Committee is sending is that we’re serious about an April 2 deadline. Of course, we are open to negotiating. But the time is of the essence, and that we want to keep the pressure on, that if they will not give us the report, then we’re going to bring them in front of Congress and have them explain the report to the American people.”

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