During an appearance on Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “New Day,” former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez said there “has to be” damaging information in the report created by Department of Justice special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

Gonzalez said he wasn’t surprised there were some on Mueller’s team that disagreed with Attorney General William Barr’s synopsis of the report given in his four-page letter to Congress, but he urged critics to be patient with Barr.

“I’m not surprised,” Gonzalez said. “You’ve got a very complicated investigation covering a large amount of very complicated information. And people are going to have different views. Prosecutors and investigators have different views about the ultimate conclusions, and at the end of the day, someone has to make the ultimate call. That ultimate call has been made by Bob Mueller and Bill Barr. So, the fact that there is some concerns, some complaints about the ultimate conclusion doesn’t really matter.”

“And the truth of the matter is, we know from simply reading the four-page summary from Bill Barr that there has to be damaging information in there that hasn’t been disclosed yet,” he continued. “I would say let Bill Barr release the report he is going to release, let Bill Barr testify before we start throwing accusations that he is trying to protect the president. I think we need to give Bill Barr the benefit of the doubt and see how this thing plays out.”

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