On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” 2020 presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) reacted to DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s departure by stating that while she has called for Nielsen to resign, the issue isn’t just about Nielsen, “It’s the entire administration,” and the fact that the Trump administration “has failed to project the morals and the values of our country, and instead, is engaged in political gamesmanship around an issue that is having real consequence for very vulnerable people.”

Harris began by saying, “I called for her resignation.”

She continued, “[I]t’s not any one person only to blame or to require accountability. It’s the entire administration, and all of the people that are complicit with this administration’s policy, which is about separating children at the border. It’s about perpetuating untruths, lies, frankly, around what is the nature of the issue, and it is about really just a political game that this president is playing, inciting fear within people in our country around what is otherwise really a humanitarian issue.”

Harris further stated that the issue is “not just about whoever was or will be the next secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. This is about an administration that has failed to project the morals and the values of our country, and instead, is engaged in political gamesmanship around an issue that is having real consequence for very vulnerable people.”

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