Tuesday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” Rep. Maxine Waters (CA) claimed “the public” was demanding Democratic lawmakers fight to see President Donald Trump’s tax returns.

Waters said, “Let me just say this: We cannot believe anything that’s been said by this president or by Mr. Mnuchin. Let me just refer you back to the president of the United States, who has said over 16 times that he would release his tax returns. He confuses it by saying it’s under audit. It does not make any difference if it is under audit. He could release those tax returns.”

Copper asked, “The president has reportedly vowed to take this to the Supreme Court. Is the president’s tax returns, is that worth this kind of a fight? ”

Waters said, “I think that’s a fight that the public wants us to fight. They want to see those tax returns. He said he would give those tax returns. Every other president has released those tax returns. And that’s a fight that we should have.”

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