Thursday on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said he hoped people would “begin to express their outrage” and demand to see the Department of Justice special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

Blumenthal said, “I think all of Congress deserves to see the Mueller report. We’re all authorized to see top secret material. So if it’s classified, we should see it. The grand jury material should be authorized to be disclosed. So far William Barr has been derelict in doing the presidents biding in failing to seek a court order to disclose it.”

He added, “I have submitted a bill, it’s bipartisan I have been joined by my colleague Senator Grassley of Iowa and also Senator Kennedy of Louisiana as well as Patrick Leahy. The complete report, all the facts, all the evidence should be disclosed to Congress. Number two, subpoenas, they will take awhile to enforce, but they should result in full disclosure. My hope is that the American people will begin to express their outrage and they should be really angry about an administration concealing a report. The American people paid for it. They deserve to see it.”

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