Monday on “TMZ Live” founder Harvey Levin asked South Bend, IN Mayor Pete Buttigieg, a 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful, what he will do when President Donald Trump “absolutely, no doubt” makes homophobia part of his campaign against Buttigieg if he secures the Democratic nomination.

Levin said, “If you end up going head to head with Donald Trump, you are an openly gay man and I have absolutely no doubt in my mind given Donald Trump’s history that the campaign will get homophobic in some way. How are you going to deal with that?

Buttigieg answered, “I’m kinda used to that by now. I’m from Indian. I’m gay as a—I don’t know, think of something really gay, and that is how gay I am. So I’m used to bullying.”

Levin asked, “But how do you deal with it? I have had to navigate it too. Do you ignore it? Do you confront it? What do you do?”

Buttigieg said, “I think you confront it initially and then you move on. So of course, when he does something, not just targeting the LGBT community, but all the things he has to say about immigrants or putting down working people, people of color, whoever is being attacked at that moment, you’ve got to confront that, but you can’t’ let that be the end of the story.”

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