Monday in New Hampshire at a CNN town hall, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) said President Donald Trump needed to be held accountable for his “appalling” actions that were detailed in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

However, she said impeachment was “up the House.”

Klobuchar said, “Okay, so I believe very strongly that President Trump should be held accountable. When you look through that report it is appalling some of the things that were going on. And you can see time and time again, maybe you’ve read parts of it, that was his advisers that held him back. So I believe first of all we need to have hearings in both the House and the Senate and not just with Attorney General Barr. We need to bring Director Mueller before the United States Senate, Right? Because otherwise, we are never going to get to the bottom of it.”

She continued, “The impeachment proceedings are up to the House. They’re going to have to make that decision. I am in the Senate, and I believe that we are the jury. I’ve always believed this from the beginning to the end—I’m a former prosecutor—I believe you look at the evidence to make decisions. So if the House brings the impeachment proceedings before us, we will deal with them. But let’s look at what Director Mueller said. He said there were two ways for accountability. One was Congress, and we’re going to start seeing that with these investigations and the second is other investigations, right? There’s cases going on in your home state of New York. There’s cases going on all over the country, but there is a third way to hold this president accountable and that is by defeating him in the 2020 election. And I believe I can do that. ”

She added, “I will say there are very disturbing things that would lead you to believe there’s obstruction of justice.”

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