During an interview aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) said that he agrees with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) that the U.S. is in a constitutional crisis.

Host Anderson Cooper asked, “Do you agree with Congressman Nadler, Chairman Nadler, that we’re in a constitutional crisis?”

Schiff responded, “We are. We’ve never had a president who so blanketly, uniformly said, Congress, you have no business overseeing what our administration is doing. And what my Republican colleagues don’t seem to appreciate is, Donald Trump is not going to be the last president. He may want to be. … And if they prop up this president and say, no, he doesn’t have to yield to any oversight or scrutiny, they’re going to be giving a green light to all kinds of corruption and malfeasance by presidents of either party.”

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