Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned that as the Democratic Party is embracing the so-called “extreme left,” it means components of that extreme left are antisemitic and anti-Israel.

The junior Texas senator referred to a trio of congressional Democrats, presumably Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), as the ones that are leading the way.

“[I]t is, unfortunately, a growing problem,” Cruz said. “The Democratic Party as a whole is galloping to the left. And then one of the components of that is the extreme Left has a long history of anti- Semitism, of anti-Israel hatred. We’re seeing it with this freshman trio. These three freshmen House members who keep expressing anti-Semitic, anti- Israel comments, whether it is Congressman Tlaib’s comments about the Holocaust, which are just – they are horrifying.”

“Or whether it was Congresswoman Omar’s tweet attacking Israel saying, ‘It’s all about the Benjamins,'” he added. “I mean it’s repeating anti-Semitic attacks. And it would be one thing if it’s just a couple of fringe radicals in their party. But what we’ve seen is at least in the House of Representatives, the Democratic Party as a whole, the leadership as a whole, is unwilling to distance themselves from these radicals. They’re unwilling to distance themselves from these extreme and really harmful sentiments.”

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