Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) said it was time to impeach President Donald Trump or risk loosing our democracy forever.

O’Rourke said, “For more than a year I’ve been saying that it’s time for congress to act and begin impeachment proceedings. I think Robert Mueller made it as clear as day for all of us. Of the hundreds of pages of his report, he chose to focus on the fact that our political system, our democracy, was invaded by Russia. And then in between the beginning and the ending of his statement, he focused on President Trump. And he said this, ‘when a subject of an investigation obstructs that investigation, or lies to investigators, it strikes at the very core of our government’s ability to get to the truth and hold the perpetrators accountable.’ He’s telling us if he want to prevent this from happening again to our democracy, we have to hold those responsible accountable. The only method that we can do that is for our representatives in Congress to begin impeachment proceedings.”

On Trump claiming exoneration, O’Rourke  said, “I think he is try to kow those Republican lawmakers who are looking at their next election instead of looking at the next generation of Americans that are I hope they can put their country ahead of their polling numbers, of the next election of the president, of their own party and to what’s right for America. That’s what this moment calls for. At the ending of Bob Mueller’s statement he said that this systematic attack by Russia on our democracy that demands the attention of every American. And the only way every American can be represented is through the House of Representatives. If ever there were a moment to act, it is this one. I agree with you, if Congress fails to act now, it’s hard to see them acting in the future. If they fail to do that, we have set the precedent that some people because of the position they hold are above the law in this country. That begins the end of our democracy an we cannot allow that to happen.”

He added, “I agree with you. Act now or lose our democracy forever. That is the choice before us. And I’m grateful to those lawmakers, including Republican Justin Amash, who have put this country ahead of their own political careers. And I understand political considerations. I’ve held elected office. I’m campaigning for one right now. But this moment demands more of us. And we will be judged by how we have faced these facts. For Robert Mueller to come forward today, someone who is famously reticent, and out of the hundreds of pages of his report, to focus on the fact that we were attacked by the Russians and that there is somebody who obstructed justice and lied to investigators, and then to say the criminal justice system is not the way to hold this person accountable, there’s another process under our Constitution, he is clearly referring to impeachment. He is demanding that we do this now or forever lose the opportunity to act. So it’s that clear to me. I hope it is that clear to those members of Congress who have the opportunity to act while there’s still time.”

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