If House Democrats fail to bring impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) is warning the party could lose their majority.

Thompson told MSNBC “Kasie DC” host Kasie Hunt he hopes the Democrat leaders “start having serious conversations” with members of the House about impeachment.

“I think we risk losing the majority if we don’t bring impeachment proceedings,” he cautioned.

Thompson continued, “It will be hard pressed for a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives not to go forward with an impeachment operation. Let me tell you, you can’t justify the acts of this president and sit on your hands when you [are] in charge. I think Speaker Pelosi and the other leadership, I hope when we come back this week in Washington, they’ll start having serious conversations with the members and not listen to the consultants and the pollsters and other people — people who are not close to the ground.”

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