During an appearance on Tuesday’s “Fox & Friends,” President Donald Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway commented on Trump’s historic meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un over the weekend, which was met with some criticism.

Conway praised Trump, adding that, unlike former President Barack Obama, Trump would be deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in denuclearizing North Korea.

“President Obama was handed the Nobel Peace Prize, but President Donald Trump’s on his way to actually earning one, and that’s because he has an obligation to at least meet with leaders and speak with to countries and try to bring peace where he can, and really, to reduce the nuclear capabilities while sanctions continue,” Conway outlined. “He’s made very clear to Chairman Kim himself, sanctions will continue on your country, but look at what could happen — the economic development, the prosperity for your own people if you would simply work with us to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula.”

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