Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) said President Donald Trump tweets, which began with the president asking progressive lawmakers to “go back and fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came” were racist.

Lewis said, “This is not, not any way for the president of the United States to be attacking, to be saying what he is saying about these young women. They are duly elected officials. They are elected by their people or their congressional district to serve as members of Congress. You know we all come from some other place, and it doesn’t matter whether we are black or white or Latino or Asian American, Native American. Native American were the only people here when we go to here. It’s just dead wrong, and we must use everything in a most nonviolent way to say that it is wrong. It’s wrong for anyone in the White House, anyone in the Congress, or anyone in America, it is wrong for them to tell people to come back where they came from. We heard this during the ’60s when little children were trying to desegregate schools and when we were trying to desegregate lunch counters and restaurants, and we were trying to get the right to vote. We are not going back. We are here to stay.”

He added, “What he said, and what he continues to say, is racist. It is racism. You cannot hide it. You cannot sweep it under the American rug.”

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