Wednesday on CNN’s “New Day,” Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) advised members of the House and Senate and Americans to ignore President Donald Trump’s tweets.

Cleaver, who was reacting to the president’s tweets attacking four progressive congresswomen, told host Alisyn Camerota that Trump knows there will reaction to his tweets and that what is best is to just “forget the man’s tweets.”

“All the chaos that’s taking place here in Washington derives from one human being and a tweet. I think, you know, we’re having government by tweet, legislation by tweet, debate by tweet. And I think at some point we, the legislators, as well as frankly as the media, let the president just tweet away, tweet away his presidency,” Cleaver stated.

“My suggestion to the House and the Senate and the people of the country is to forget the man’s tweets,” he added. “He knows that there will be a reaction. And he also knows that a portion of his base is OK with him insulting people. And that’s unfortunate for the American people.”

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