The outcry over President Donald Trump’s tweets attacking what he suggested were anti-American members of Congress, primarily the so-called “The Squad,” consisting of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), is just another page of a Democratic Party playbook according to Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL).

During an appearance on Huntsville, AL radio’s WVNN on Tuesday, Brooks explained how he saw the Democratic Party’s overall campaign strategy as it pertained to this. He said part of that was to use race, which included the censure vote by the House of Representatives regarding Trump’s tweets.

“They use language that is highly inappropriate on the House floor, and it is part of their overall political campaign strategies,” Brooks said. “Their overall strategy in a campaign strategy basically comes down to three parts. There will be some sub-part, but the three big ones are racial division, sexual animosity and then Santa Claus versus the Grinch, where of course they are Santa Claus giving away all this free stuff. Another way of expressing that fight is socialism versus free enterprise. And what the Democrats have done with President Trump’s texts is try to make it appear that his tweets were racial in nature, when in fact if you go through the tweets, he never mentions anybody’s skin pigmentation or anybody’s race.”

“And it’s quite clear the president’s tweets were motivated not by racism, but by a very strong disdain and dislike for socialism, for people that show such open hatred for America’s foundational principles, for people who openly dislike Israel or who are openly prejudiced against Jewish people,” he continued. “Those motivations were clearly expressed in the president’s tweets yet because the Democrats are unable to respond to them in a logical, cogent fashion, they fall back on one of their main three themes, which is say, ‘Oh, this is all racism.’ That is to a large degree what the Democrats are reduced to, and I’d be remiss if I did not add that the Democrats have a history of conducting candidate schools here in Washington, D.C.  where they train their candidates on how to turn every public policy issue into racial bias, or racism, or something like that.”

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