Over the weekend, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) took a trip with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to a border facility near the United States-Mexico border.

Merkley on Monday described his trip in an interview with CNN’s “New Day,” conceding that President Donald Trump has “partially corrected” the problem at the border regarding the overcrowding and housing.

“Immediate separation isn’t occurring, but those that have children over the age of 10, they’re being separated and told that they’ll be reunited within a few hours,” Merkley noted.

He added, “The big surge happened because of [Trump’s] policies, which was to say, ‘I’m going to seal the border.’ That surge now has subsided, both as a result of Mexican action and the summer heat.”

Host Alisyn Camerota replied, “Because the president pressed Mexico to take action.”

“Yes, that’s fair to say,” Merkley stated. “So, he has partially corrected a problem he created.”

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