In a Thursday appearance on CNN’s “New Day,” 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful and billionaire hedge fund manager Tom Steyer made his case against President Donald Trump.

Steyer admitted Trump has the “right analysis” when it comes to the establishment in Washington, D.C failing Americans, but said the president’s solutions to fix it “are absolutely terrible.”

The government has failed in Washington, D.C., and it’s been bought by corporations,” Steyer told host Alisyn Camerota. “Mr. Trump had the right analysis, but his solutions are absolutely terrible.”

“He’s a failed president. His actual policies are disastrous, but that doesn’t mean that his original analysis and his ability to relate to people and talk about that is disastrous. I don’t underestimate him at all. He was absolutely on point, he just doesn’t know what the heck to do about it,” he added.

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