On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” CNN host Van Jones reacted to Monmouth University’s poll showing a 3-way tie between 2020 Democratic presidential candidates former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) by stating that he “would be very concerned” if he was in Biden’s camp about the size of the progressive block and praising Warren’s performance on the campaign trail.

Jones said, “Listen, this is not a good poll for Biden, and I do think that it speaks — you have to look at all the other polls, all that sort of stuff. But listen, first of all, look at the strength of the progressive block. You know, when you put Sanders and Warren together, I mean, that’s almost half the party going for candidates that are extremely, extremely progressive. This kind of cuts against the idea that the only thing that matters is electability. People may be recalculating what makes someone electable. I think the traditional wisdom has been you’re electable if you’re more appealing to moderates, if you can kind of get the independents. That narrative was really carrying Biden along. I think now you’re starting to see people make the case it’s going to be somebody who can — you’re electable if you can electrify. … If I were in the Biden camp, I would be very concerned about the fact that, right now, he’s holding his own in the top three against a whole bunch of other people, but look at that progressive block.”

He added that Warren is “the most impressive person on the scene right now. Because you’ve got to remember, she was written off for dead. … Listen, she is making inroads everywhere. She’s not making a bunch of enemies. She’s not making mistakes. She’s really, really doing something extraordinary right now.”

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