Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, criticized the Democratic National Committee for failing to live up to expectations of transparency in determining who is eligible for the upcoming presidential debates.

Gabbard told host Tucker Carlson this lack of transparency was another example of people losing confidence in government for lack of transparency reasons.

“People deserve having that transparency, because, ultimately, it’s the people who will decide who our Democratic nominee will be and ultimately who our next president, commander-in-chief will be. And when you see that lack of transparency, it creates, you know, a lack of faith and trust in the process,” she said. “And I think this also points to a bigger issue and challenge that goes beyond the DNC and party politics is the government itself.”

“You know, there are people who are increasingly losing that faith and trust in the government because they see a lack of transparency there,” Gabbard added. “They see that we don’t have a government that is of, by, and for the people. And, really, what they see is a small group of really powerful political elites, the establishment, making decisions that serve their interests, and maintaining that power, while the rest of us are left outside. The American people are left behind. So, these — these are the deeper-seated issues. I think it’s important that we recognize and that for me as president, that I would seek to change. That we’d actually fulfill that vision that our Founders had for our country of having a government that is truly of, by and for the people, and making it so that people can trust that our leaders are listening to them and making decisions not based on partisanship, but based on serving their interests.”

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