During an interview with WNYC’s “The Brian Lehrer Show” on Monday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) reacted to pushes to impeach Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh by stating that the Judiciary Committee is busy “with impeaching the president right now, and that’s going to take up our limited resources and time for a while.”

Nadler said that the Judiciary Committee will question the FBI director, “and then we’ll make other determinations. Frankly, we are concentrating our resources on determining whether to impeach the president. Personally, I think the president ought to be impeached, but we have to concentrate on that for the next few months.”

He added that the committee has “to look into this a lot more” before it can say whether Kavanaugh should be impeached.

Nadler further stated, “[W]e have our hands full with impeaching the president right now, and that’s going to take up our limited resources and time for a while.”

(h/t NBC News)

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