In a contentious Wednesday interview with CNN “New Day” host Alisyn Camerota, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski discussed his remarks from the day before as he testified before the House Judiciary Committee about not feeling any “obligation to be honest with the media.”

Camerota asked Lewandowski about his dishonesty with the media, which Lewandowski responded by hitting CNN for hiring former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who he said “has been lying under oath.”

“Andy McCabe … has a criminal referral for lying to the FBI, to lying to the inspector general on three separate occasions, but Alisyn, you and your network continue to use him as a contributor who has been lying under oath. So, if you’re going to hold me to a standard, hold your same employees and contributors to that same standard,” Lewandowski stated.
Camerota continued to press Lewandowski about lying to the media and only telling the truth while under oath as the two argued back and forth.

“Corey, if you want to ask the questions, you can become a journalist yourself,” she advised.

Lewandowski replied, “Are you a journalist, or are you not? Are you a journalist or are you a talking head?”

“When you lie, Corey, when do you lie?” she asked. “Are you lying now, for instance?”

“I’m as honest as I can be with you,” he stated.

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