Friday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) weighed on House Democrats’ push to impeach President Donald Trump.

The Texas Republican described the situation as a “circus” but argued the motivating factor was angry from Democrats.

“Washington was always a circus,” Cruz said. “This is three rings with all the clowns. And it’s nuts right now. And it’s driven at the end of the day — congressional Democrats are angry. They’re angry about the 2016 election. Ultimately, they’re angry at the voters. They’re angry that the voters elected President Trump. All of this from day one — from day one, they had been wanting to get this president out of office. And as a result, they’re not doing their job. They’re not actually interested in legislating. They’re not interested in working together to produce more jobs and wages and expand opportunity. It’s just about attacking the president.”

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