On Wednesday’s broadcast of “CNN Tonight,” Representative Denny Heck (D-WA) stated that President Trump’s refusal to accept the findings of the Mueller report “makes you wonder if there isn’t a little bit of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder at work here too.”

Heck said, “I mean, the Mueller Report is out there, and it established clearly and firmly that there was a ‘sweeping and systematic’ interference in our election by the Russians. And it’s as though the president just can’t let go of it. … I’m not professionally qualified to make this judgment, about whether or not the president has some form or degree of narcissism, frankly, and it makes you wonder if there isn’t a little bit of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder at work here too. Because he just can’t let go of it. And again, however…I believe the president only has four plays: deny, attack, play the victim, and then change the subject through outrageous suggestion. And anything that comes out of his mouth plays into that.”

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