On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “New Day,” Representative Will Hurd (R-TX) stated that President Trump calling on China to investigate the Bidens is “terrible.”

Hurd stated, “I think it’s terrible. It’s something that I wouldn’t have done, and I can go two days — I think two days before that, wishing China congratulations on 70 years of Communism via a tweet is not something I would do either. China is an adversary. China right now has a million ethnic minorities, the Uyghurs, in basically — in prison camps. Also, we’re in a tight and complex trade negotiation with China now. And so, you’re potentially giving them something to hold over your head. And I would expect that, prior to our upcoming elections, to see the Chinese do something to manipulate their currency or impact global markets in order to have an impact on the U.S. economy going into an election. So, I think that is something that a president of the United States shouldn’t be doing.”

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