Friday, during an appearance on Fox News, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) argued House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) handling of the impeachment inquiry warranted his removal from that committee.

McCarthy told FNC’s Sean Hannity the impeachment should be handled as if it were a trial, but under House Democrats’ direction, it is not.

“Let’s treat it how we treat every American – let’s be fair in the process,” McCarthy said. “Could you imagine ever going before a trial where you could not call a witness? You could not subpoena anybody? You could not cross-examine? This is a political hack job. But you know what happened today is even more insightful. Inside the intel community, Inspector General Michael Atkinson – he came to testify. You know what we found out through that testimony? We found out that this so-called hearsay whistleblower never even told the IG that they already met with Adam Schiff’s staff.”

According to McCarthy, given Schiff and his committee staff had met with the so-called whistleblower, Schiff and his staff have become “fact witnesses,” which is a conflict of interest.

“It goes to the question of political motive, and it’s hearsay, but more importantly it goes to the fact that his own staff, Schiff, and Schiff himself are fact witnesses,” he continued. “Nowhere in the American judicial system does it ever allow a fact witness to ever be the prosecutor. He should be removed from the committee. His staff should be removed. But now they’re trying to control it.”

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