Sunday, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) called on Republicans to choose to put the country over their politics when it comes to impeaching President Donald Trump.

“CNN Newsroom” host Ana Cabrera asked Jackson Lee if any of her House GOP colleagues would vote for an impeachment inquiry if the House were to vote.

Jackson Lee said she “would hope” they would now that the facts have all been presented.

“I don’t know what Democrats would vote yes or no, because, again, we are making it very clear this is a somber and sober decision, this is a constitutional decision, this is a decision that members have to make,” Jackson Lee told Cabrera. “Are they going to choose their nation, or are they going to choose their politics?”

She continued, “I would hope there are Republicans that would choose their nation and their patriotism on behalf of the men and women of the United States military on the front line defending the Constitution and the American citizens who are covered by the Constitution, including this president who cannot … violate the Constitution and the rule of law.” That is simply not the nation we live in.”

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