Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) issued a stark warning Monday in reaction to President Donald Trump announcing his intentions to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria.

Graham said on “Fox & Friends” he hopes Trump “reconsiders” his decision because it will result in ISIS reemerging, adding ISIS, Iran and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad are all the winners in this.

“[H]ere’s what’s going to happen: This is going to lead to ISIS’s reemergence — nothing better for ISIS than to create a conflict between the Kurds and Turkey. The Kurds will now line with Assad because they have nobody to count on because we abandoned them, so this is a big win for Iran and Assad, a big win for ISIS,” Graham lamented.

He later added after saying he will do a resolution “urging the president to reconsider” withdrawing the troops, “I’m here to say that this is going to lead to the reemergence of ISIS and the biggest winners of all of this is Iran and that’s too bad.”

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