Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh slammed the NBA, the media and Democrats for the tack each have taken regarding China and a willingness kowtow to the communist regime regarding protesters in Hong Kong.

Partial transcript as follows (courtesy of

Let me finish this thought here. Because it’s a good thought. It’s worth finishing. The news cycle here, if you look at this objectively, if you just stand aside, try not to be affected by it, just watch it and judge it, it’s just obscene. Almost all the Drive-By Media, the Democrats, and the NBA players and owners are supporting communist China.

Just like there was this almost magical utopian support for Cuba, which is a repressive, godforsaken regime. But still, it was thought to be the potential utopia on earth. Now the ChiComs have the same kind of adoration from the supposed kings of civil rights, from the supposed kings of civil liberties, the descendants of Martin Luther King and Eleanor Squeal, and all the other left-wing activists demanding equality here and equality there and free speech.

They are sidling up to the most repressive anti-free speech, anti-freedom regime you can find on the planet today! Communist China! Over one tweet by a general manager for the Houston Rockets supporting Hong Kong freedom fighters! Remember when the one guy stood up in front of the tank at Tiananmen Square, remember everybody stood up and loved that guy? This would be the equivalent if the NBA said, “Put that guy in jail!”

If the NBA and the Democrat Party and the media said, “Run him over! Run over that guy. He’s insulting our brethren in the Chinese communist government.” That’s the equivalent. They’ve done a 180 off Tiananmen Square. And that guy who was celebrated as a hero, if that happened today, he’d be lynched. And the NBA and all of these communist Chinese loving American enterprises would be demanding that guy be made an example of.

Now, while they’re doing this, remember, they were all almost on the verge of boycotting North Carolina over the bathroom issue, which they claimed went against their guiding principles of equality and mutual respect. In other words, if North Carolina didn’t bend over, grab the ankles, and let anybody use any bathroom they wanted for any reason, the NBA wasn’t going to go there, the NBA was going to boycott, the NBA was going to pull out.

And any other state that tried to say men had to use the men’s room and women had to use the women’s. They were bigots. They were creeps — we’re not going to do business in those states, either. And yet sidling up to the ChiComs? Do you know what China does to transgender people? Do you know what China does to homosexuals? Do you know where those people end up in China? They end up in reeducation camps with the Uyghurs.

Do you think there’s a transgender element running around communist China demanding rights, protesting the Chinese government? Do you think Mayor Bloomberg is one of their advocates? What do you think happens? What do you think happens to homosexuals in Saudi Arabia? They-are beheaded. That’s why Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wanted the students at Columbia University to tell him if they knew any in Tehran, remember that?

Now, the NBA is — what is it, 85% African-American players, 85, 90? And they’re defending a country where basically the entire country is enslaved to a communist government? Well, we all know why. It’s money. Once again, money trumping ideas. Too much money to be made there in China.

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