Sunday, during the roundtable portion of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan warned the Hunter Biden side of the Trump impeachment story, which she called “the story of the swamp,” puts the younger Biden on the wrong side of the American people.

Partial transcript as follows:

CHUCK TODD: Peggy, it is — the Biden campaign has been trying to find that balance between trying to mitigate the damage that they think Trump’s doing and at the same time not letting Trump dictate the message. But Trump’s been dictating the message.

NOONAN: Yes, Trump is the president. He has that megaphone. I think Joe Biden, for the past two weeks, has been a little on the back of his heels over this issue, not sure how to address it, not sure what exactly precisely to defend and what to concede. But I have to tell you Cornell, I disagree with you a little bit. I don’t think this is merely a “muddy the water” story. This is a story that at least half the American people understand the Hunter Biden story as a story of the swamp, the elite, buddy-buddy-ism, using your family influence to do well in life. The American people don’t like it. They have never liked it. And it is —

TODD: So how does it come from the Trumps though? Like, it’s sort of an awkward charge coming from the Trumps. But you say with a Cheshire cat smile.

NOONAN: Well, was that a Cheshire cat smile?

TODD: Yeah —

NOONAN: I’m so relieved to hear it was. That’s an interesting question, I think is how I’d respond to your question.

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