Wednesday on CNN’s “New Day,” 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) discussed her push to have President Donald Trump banned from Twitter, which was the topic of an exchange between Harris and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

Harris said Trump’s Twitter usage is a “serious matter” because of his influence, adding he should have to follow Twitter’s terms of use like everyone else.

“We all need to understand if you talk with those families in El Paso, if you talk with the family of the whistleblowers, if you talk with the family members of people who have been at the receiving end of Donald Trump’s threatening remarks on Twitter, you’ll know this is no laughing matter,” Harris told host John Berman. “It’s a serious matter. And it is a matter of the safety of those individuals.”

“[W]e have to take seriously the implications that are about the threatening witnesses, intimidating witnesses and obstructing justice. And this is a private company that has rules of engagement, terms of use and the president should be treated just like anyone else,” she continued.

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