On Tuesday, House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) discussed the impeachment inquiry and the length of the probe as some Democrats reportedly told CNN they hope to have the probe completed before Thanksgiving.

Clyburn said on CNN’s “New Day” that “haste makes waste” and House Democrats want to have “people satisfied” with their ongoing investigation. Clyburn said he hopes it is completed between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but he does not want to put a timeline on it.

“I would be much more comfortable if we were to do this in such a way that everybody in our caucus will be comfortable with the timeline,” Clyburn told host John Berman. “You know, as I have lived quite a while now, but with every passing day, I think about those old adages. ‘Haste makes waste’ is one of them. Let’s not be hasty here. let’s take our times. Let’s do what is necessary to lay the foundations, and I really believe that we ought to have the American people satisfied with the product once it’s reduced.”

“I would hope it’s before Christmas, but it may be after Thanksgiving as well,” he added.

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