Democratic presidential hopeful and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro on Sunday called for a change in the order of the states for presidential primaries.

Castro reasoned on MSNBC’s “Kasie DC” that the “country has changed a lot” in the last 50 years and Iowa and New Hampshire are no longer “reflective” of the United States nor the Democratic Party.

“I actually believe that we do need to change the order of the states, because I don’t believe that we’re the same country we were in 1972,” explained Castro. “That’s when Iowa first held its caucus first [sic]. And by the time we have the next presidential election in 2024, it’ll have been more than 50 years since 1972. Our country has changed a lot in those 50 years. The Democratic Party has changed a lot.”

He added, “Demographically, it’s not reflective of the United States as a whole, certainly not reflective of the Democratic Party, and I believe that other states should have their chance. So, yes, of course, we need to find other states.”

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