Wednesday, MSNBC “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough stressed the importance of the impeachment hearings over President Donald Trump’s alleged quid pro quo with the president of Ukraine.

Scarborough compared it to former President Richard Nixon’s impeachment, saying “history is watching.”

“[J]ust a word of warning for the cynical who say none of this that matter, and for the cynical that say we already know how Republicans, we already know how Democrats are going to vote. What does it matter? It matters, first of all, let’s just maybe be a little melodramatic,” Scarborough emphasized. “It matters because history is watching. We still go back to ‘73 and ‘74. We find out the men and women who put country first. We find out those who put their political party first. We still have a very clear view of those who chose power over principle, and it matters. Most of those players are dead now, but their reputations endure.”

He went on to say, “[A] lot of different members of the Senate Republicans … are going to have to think long and hard, understanding, ‘I’m going to vote for impeachment because it’s the right thing to do. And most of the people in my state want me to do it, and if I don’t, I’m going to lose. I know I’ll lose in the general election.’ They’ll just have to make the calculation if it’s worth it, voting for impeachment, or voting against impeachment.”

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