On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Live,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) called President Donald Trump a “one-man crime wave.”

Raskin said, “So if you look being at House Resolution 660 which structures this phase of the impeachment investigation, the Foreign Affairs Committee the Intelligence Committee and Oversight are supposed to channel to the Judiciary Committee at the end of their investigations which will probably be before Thanksgiving or over Thanksgiving all the evidence that they have of potential high crimes and misdemeanors. At that point, the Judiciary Committee will meet and to synthesize all of the facts that have come into us put it into some kind of reasonable order. It is a tough task, obviously. Not like with Bill Clinton, where he was accused of one thing and one lie about it. We have a president here in Donald Trump, who is a one-man crime wave, and there are dozens of potential offenses and hundreds or thousands of lies that have been told.”

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